Smooth grey-green leaves (not glandular). Hinged tips of inner petals. Has fairly large flat seed larger than viscosa or spiralis- image to come later
This Albuca species occurs widespread in the Oudtshoorn and Calitzdorp area. On a number of websites a similar looking plant is referred to as Albuca spiralis. Also Albuca spiralis fizzle sizzle seems to be a similar plant.
Although often referred as Albuca spiralis the plant discussed here has smooth greyish green leaves while Albuca spiralis has green glandular leaves. ( See extract from Manning and others below). This species is thus not Albuca spiralis. Neither is it Albuca viscosa because the latter does not have hinged petal tips but hooded petal tips.
I use the name Albuca heliglabra for the time being.
Extract from Color Encyclopdedia of Cape Bulbs - Manning, Goldblatt, Snijman for Albuca spiralis. It does not seem to fit for the species shown in this post. (click on the image to enlarge)
This Albuca has hinges on the apex of the inner petals similar to Albuca spiralis but lacks the glandular leaves